YCN & Ideas Illustrated

The irresistible charm of Ideas Illustrated lies in the "illustration only" principal aiming to visualise the talked-about ideas all the way through, which I haven't seen in any other magazines. While people still suppose magazines like these only collect great drawings appealing for an instant wow (and seem reluctant to contain any serious and thematic topics), Ideas Illustrated can just prove you wrong.   

Two weeks ago Wanying showed me this magazine stocked on her book pile, telling me that she accidentally found it on YCN's website. As an illustrator, Wan has been following this London-based organization dedicated to support young, creative talents. Well, browsing a site is an easier task than sitting back reading a mag, so I googled it right away. A click on the website and I was soon convinced by YCN's enthusiasm for illustration. They pour vitality into every aspect, and consistently make things look fun this way.

Ideas Illustrated 無法抗拒的魅力恐怕在於整本雜誌貫徹始終的準則 - 以純插畫方式將內文視覺化,而從沒有一本雜誌用如此徹底的精神向插畫致敬。當大眾都認為此類雜誌不過彙集了一些不錯的圖像,然後期待獲得讀者的立即反饋:哇!好酷喔 (之類的),但仔細翻閱卻發現內容卻乏善可陳。如果你恰巧也這麼認為,Ideas Illustrated 可以完全推翻這個觀念。

兩週前 Wanying從她的書堆塔挑出這本雜誌給我,說她無意中在YCN網站找到這本刊物。當插畫家的Wanying其實默默follow YCN好一陣子。這個來自倫敦的機構前前後後提拔了許多隱藏版但卻才華洋溢的藝術家。既然閱覽網站比找出時間來閱讀一本雜誌容易許多(也不需花太多腦力),我馬上就查了YCN的底細。沒想到,網站一打開,我馬上就被YCN對插畫的熱情收買了!有一種濃烈又直接的熱情,是不需要矯情文字或刻意宣傳就能達到,並且不管你年紀多大、有多世故或難以取悅都能感受到,我想 ... YCN就是因為堅持不用任何攝影圖,反倒邀請插畫家將已經夠有趣的報導再讓藝術家馳騁幻想,更有趣地將故事表達出來,就是因為這樣 ... 才讓我對他們的用心如此感動。也就是說,讀者其實是站在觀察家與藝術家身後,透過他們的眼睛去品賞每一件完整作品。          

# a glimpse of the website   網站一瞥

# Sick of the convention? Here's an extraordinary way to introduce the editorial staff.
   The Paris-based illustrator Damien Florébert Cuypers used colour crayon to create 2-min
   portraits for the YCN people. Under the dynamic expression, all of them look like a
   girl/boy next door, and make me want to join the crew? 我們大概都厭倦了制式化的網站介紹。舉組織簡介為例,最簡單的就是人名排列,了不起誠意破表的話再請工程師寫程式來個網頁互動式介紹。但是,YCN連介紹職員的界面也非常插畫。他們請來了駐巴黎的插畫家 Damien以具個人風格的彩蠟筆繪圖,為每位職員進行兩分鐘人物速寫。還不夠了得嗎?在捕捉瞬間神韻與富有動態感的同時,職員們各個像鄰家女孩與男孩,噢...不禁讓我也想加入這個團隊了?

Since Wan has done her job to mine the gold, it's now my turn to review it as a complete publication. Shall we get down to the business?


Now as I am looking at the cover, it occurs to me that the "fingers crossed" hand gesture speaks for the theme - LUCK. This simple yet stylishly designed front page makes your messy table look ten times more artistic if you put them on (as I did). The different font size bt. "ideas" and "illustrated" unfolds that it is 60% more of a content-based issue, intending to use the power of words and wit to impress readers for a longer period. Each entry's reporter and illustrator are not the same, that is to say, it's always symmetric duets sung by writers and illustrators you'd expect.

就在我看著封面的同時,我才發現原來封面上那(像麥當勞叔叔的手) fingers crossed 的祝好運手勢緊扣住當期主題 - 運氣。這種簡潔卻裹著時髦感的封面光擺在桌上就讓原本陷入渾沌大爆炸的桌面吹拂著藝術氣息 (順便可以讓別人把你的髒亂解讀為不羈小節的灑脫,就像我一樣)。而封面上ideas與illustrated的不同字體大小正好彰顯 Ideas Illustrated 是一本60% 以內容做為基調的刊物,企圖用「文字力量」與「玩文字的功力」給讀者更長更深的印象。其中每則報導的筆者與插畫家都非同一人,也就是說每一頁都是筆者與插畫家合作的和諧二重唱。

The theme of luck is widely explored from witty poems (above #1), humorous self-help guidance (above #2), discussion on the subject of mascots (below #1) to celebrity interview with Beatle's ex-PR (below #2-3). It's been a joy to read from page one to the end. Commented by the art critic Jeremy at MagCulture, "The new magazine feels fuller, better considered and generally more magazine-like, without losing its unique character based on being very illustrated." I couldn't agree more!

本期圍繞著主題「運氣」,無設限地用各種文體探討好壞運之於人的關係:諧趣詩文(上圖一)、無厘頭的幸運祈福指南(上圖二)、吉祥物的意義探討(下圖一) 一直到前披頭四專屬公關的專訪(下圖二、三)。憑良心說這本雜誌我一口氣看完,從頭到尾絕無冷場。知名網站MagCulture的藝文評論家Jeremy這麼說道:「改版後的Ideas Illustrated 在完整度上又更上一層樓,各方面的細節都考慮到了。整體來說Ideas Illustrated 較像是一本報導雜誌,但又能夠巧妙運用插畫於其中,凸顯出該雜誌的獨特性」,我非常同意Jeremy 的說法。

Outside the theme, there are reports bringing in worth-knowing events, which I find it similar to the "International Briefing" section in Big Issue magazine. Take the High Line for example, I knew of its existence from several reports and suppose this one'd be nothing new. Yet, the magic of illustration always makes a difference and pictures a more illusionary world for readers. (below)

主題相關的文章之外,雜誌中也延攬了一些世界各地正在發生中且值得關注的事,這部份我認為與大誌的「國際摘要」專題有點雷同。舉紐約的High Line公園來說好了,雖然我知道這項公共建設(廢棄高架鐵路重置為都會公園),也想說:「okay ... 想必你們也變不出什麼新花樣。」但是, 看完文字與圖之後,不免開始敬佩起來。Ideas Illustrated 總是知道怎麼用插畫的魔力為讀者描繪出一個虛幻世界。但是事情還沒結束!編輯群也逼著大家一起運用想像力,讓這本雜誌變成每一位讀者自己想像出來的作品。(見下圖)

What would Ideas Illustrated do if they couldn't secure an interview with the legendary filmmaker Woody Allen? It's no problem, artist's talent is to imagine and illustrate. This small binded brochure is one of my favourites. It takes the journal form to write about one week with Woody's company. Woody is moody and unpredictable as we all know, and so is the atmosphere co-created by the sketch and words. Finally fans can peek this man who they despise and admire at the same time. Don't know what would Woody say if he sees this ... a very neutral but sarcastic "interesting" maybe?

Ideas Illustrated 和傳奇性導演Woody Allen檔期喬不過來,無法進行專訪該怎麼辦呢?別傻了!藝術家那擅於想像及圖說的功力可不是呼攏來的。這本訂在雜誌中的小冊子是我的最愛之一,簡簡單單以日記形式敘述與伍迪艾倫共渡的一週。名導陰情不定的性格是眾所皆知,而筆者和畫家也成功把小冊子搞得很Woody Allen,tone調一樣過於冷淡、寫實,且不留任何情面。不曉得當Allen本人看到這則報導後會作何反應?也許會說一句非常中立 ... 但諷刺意味十足的:interesting! (啊哈,那就好笑了)

Ideas Illustrated (+++ - )

